Finally the Boring Knights are beaten and the great part is Erza vs. Minerva vs. Kagura is next

Side Note: I didn’t have a review last week because you have to be interested in what you watch to write a review. Last week’s episode was so boring I just didn’t feel it.

Just like in the last episode(Just because I didn’t review it doesn’t mean I didn’t watch it.) Lucy starts off the episode summoning Aquarius.

After the opening we get the fight between Mirajane and Kamika. After sealing her with the Purple Paper, Kamika follows up with Red, White, and Yellow Paper but Mira doesn’t even flinch.

So Kamika uses Green Paper, God of Poison on Mira which actually starts doing a good effect. Then Mira starts talking about how magic isn’t meant to kill people instead you’re supposed to protect people with it.

She obviously doesn’t know Zeref…ya know the Death Wizard that dropped Zancrow like he was nothing and killed Hades with a flick of his wrist.
Anyway heading to the next scene we’ve got Natsu vs. Kama.


Looks like Natsu’s on the ropes with Kama’s second scythe which can cut right through magic.

On to the next one, we’ve got Pantherlily vs. Neppa and just like everyone else’s he’s on the the ropes.


Now we flash back to Lucy and Yukino vs. Uosuke and predictably everyone’s who’s seen Aquarius knows what’s about to happen.


Then we get some classic Aquarius and Lucy comedy with Aquarius wondering if Scorpio might be dating another woman.

Now if it was me, I’d get pretty mad if this just devolved into a whole conversation wondering if Scorpio is cheating so thank goodness Uosuke decides to make a move.

Yeah…not really a good move attacking a water spirit with water dude!!

After some figuring Uosuke switches the water from cold water to boiling hot and prepares to fight Aquarius.

However before we get to the good stuff we get this…

Hmmm not bad. Give that girl a record contract! Don’t ask. Inside joke.

Anyway looks like Wendy’s up. How?


Then Wendy goes on the offensive but Cosmos hits back just as hard with Spore Bombs. You know the way this battles goes around in a round robin reminds me of episode 6 of Date A Live 2.

We head back to Natsu vs. Kama when Natsu decides to go in close with Kama with hand to hand combat.

Now we’ve got some side plot filler about the others in the arena wondering about the Rescue Team…it’s not worth caring about. Let’s keep going.

We come back to see Mira walking through Kamika’s field of poison like it’s nothing.


Then Mira tells her that she made a big mistake by separating her from the others because now she can go all out. She goes Satan Soul and you know what she does next…

Call me crazy but Mira's lips are really sexy
Call me crazy but Mira’s lips are really sexy

She eats the poison! Like a boss!

Now as a reviewer I have a responsibility to report the episode as it happens but with Mira fighting Kamika it’s a complete and utter curbstomp battle.


That was easy once she got serious.

Back to Lucy and Yukino vs. Uosuke.

He just heated the water so Aquarius can’t use it anymore or can she?


Someone’s about to get screwed.

Quick flash to Pantherlily vs. Neppa. Panterlily remembers his training with Gajeel and remembers that the strength of the heart makes the blade able to cut through anything and …


Now that doesn’t make sense but hey it’s anime.

Let’s go over to Wendy and Cosmos. Who basically thinks what would Natsu do?

We figure that out in the next scene with Natsu owning Kama in hand to hand combat and Kama asks would he be willing to make enemies of the country and Natsu says…


After that we’ve got totally ownage of all the Garou Knights at the exact same time.


And the episode ends with this.


Now I’m happy here not because it’s a good fight but because it’s finally over!!! Thank goodness now we can get back to the battles happening during the Grand Magic Games. I’m definitely going to love Erza vs. Kagura vs. Minerva mostly because it’s Sayaka Ohara vs. Saori Hayami vs. Kikuko Inoue, my three favorite female seiyuu.

So I can’t wait until next week! Until then
Later Days

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