Studio Ghibli Quiting Film Biz?

There is a new Ghibli film coming out this summer and according to a report, it could be the last one.

Now Studio Ghibli is known for awesome hits like My Neighbor Totoro, Grave of the Fireflies, The Cat Returns, Spirited Away, and my favorite, Kiki’s Delivery Service.

The main reason why Kiki’s Delivery Service is my favorite is because well . . .I had a crush on her when I was little. I used to rent the VHS tape all the time to see it.

Anyway . . .

Last year,the well known creator of some of Ghibli best works and a man so awesome that Toonami used to name an entire month in his honor for his movies, Miyazaki Hayao, retired from making feature animated films. Why? No idea.

An insider told Japanese site, News Cafe that Studio Ghibli’s latest release, When Marnie Was There might be their last work. The article was later posted on one of Japan’s largest web portals, Rakuten. Even though its all over the Internet, it’s like Sinnoh Confirmed. We think it’s going to happen but we have no proof.

“From here on, it appears as though this won’t be a studio that makes new works, but instead, manages its copyrights.” according to one unnamed insider.

If you don’t already got them, you can buy all the major Studio Ghibli works right here.

My Neighbor Totoro

Howl’s Moving Castle

Kiki’s Delivery Service

Spirited Away

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Whisper of the Heart (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Tales From Earthsea

Ponyo (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

The Cat Returns

The Secret World of Arrietty (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Castle in the Sky

Princess Mononoke

Wolf Children (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Note: HTML is freaking hard! You have no idea how difficult it was to learn this crap in a hour! I wish I could put up the pics of all the movies but this was as far as I got.

It seems like Studio Ghibli calling it quits. Pity. They’re one of the best studios out there for making movies. I hope that When Marnie Was There ends the studio on a good note

So until more news,
Later Days